In Parts One and Two of this blog series, I unpacked how it’s not okay to walk around oblivious to the spiritual realm or just follow spiritual and biblical principles. We live inside of God. We have access to his innermost feelings and thoughts! If you missed it, click here to catch up.
In Part Three, we’ll get to the how-to’s. I’ll show you how to stay connected with God, experience your union with Him, and get direction for your life whenever you need it.
Part 3 – Union Changes Everything
How would your life be different if you really believed that you were one with God through Christ?
I venture to guess it would be radically different.
For starters, you wouldn’t be afraid. You would live fearlessly. Also, it would be easy to know God.
First, you’d know His desire for you. Otherwise, why would he have placed you inside of Himself? You’d also recognize your divinity—that you aren’t just human or a “mere man,” as the Apostle Paul reminded the Corinthians. You are a supernatural being who, like Jesus, is designed to partner with the Holy Spirit and communicate with the Father 24/7 to bring heaven to earth.
Sound like a radical way to live? Well welcome to Christianity.
Unfortunately, most of what we hear in sermons, worship, spiritual books, and conversations about God with others is from a separated perspective. What I’ve seen time and time again is that most people live their lives without a consciousness of union. They live “separated lives” even though they are seated in heaven in Christ 24/7 (Ephesians 2:6). People for the most part seek and experience God as something outside of themselves. They perceive God and try to communicate with him as someone separate from them, possibly even light years or many dimensions apart from them.
However, the beautiful mystery of the gospel is Christ within (Colossians 1:27). Jesus came to earth, living as one with His Father, as the door that leads to us living the same way. This is eternal life! The gospel is not just a “God for us” or “God with us” message; it’s a “God within us” and “us within God” message (John 14:20, John 17:21)
This is why the apostle Paul could declare that a new creation had come. Humans were no longer just human, but joined to the Triune Godhead through a union with Christ. This changes everything! It means that every person living on the planet has been offered union with the Creator, the Source, the One who holds everything in His power. Whoa!
Experiencing Union with God
Whenever I teach people how to hear from God or how to pray for sick people and actually see them healed or prophesy to hear from God for a group or individual, I always start with a discussion about union with God. It’s union with God that cures the world’s spiritual deaf and dumbness. But that said, understanding it intellectually isn’t enough. Our union with God is meant to be experienced.
One of the most simple, yet profound, ways to experience our union with God through Christ and learn to communicate with God is through the practice of biblical meditation. It’s a simple as closing your eyes and imagining your union with Christ. Here’s an example that I use frequently to help people connect with God and hear from Him.
Step 1 – Engage Your Imagination
Imagine you are walking down the beach (or really you can be anywhere) with Jesus. Maybe you guys are just talking or walking along not saying a word. As you visualize this, ask Jesus to speak to you. What would he like to say to you? Whatever you hear, write it down.
Step 2 – Become Aware of Union
Now, let’s go deeper. Imagine again the scene from Step 1. Except this time, turn toward Jesus and think, “I live inside of this guy. I’m not just walking with Him and talking with Him—I live in Him. But wait, He lives in me too.”
Step 3 – Putting on Christ
Next, ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your eyes and to show you what your union with Jesus looks like. Visualize yourself stepping into Christ or, in other words, putting on or clothing yourself with Christ (Romans 13:14, Galatians 3:27). Think of it like putting on a Jesus costume. The goal is to experience Jesus from the inside of Jesus. As you put on Christ and experience your union with Him, now ask Jesus to speak to you again. Except this time, you’re listening from the inside. You can actually hear His thoughts. Afterwards, be sure and write down your experience. It will bless you anytime you read it and can also help you reconnect to God if you find yourself feeling disconnected, which inevitably happens to all of us at some point.
Step 4 – Christ in You
When you are ready to move on, the next step is to ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your eyes and to show you a picture of what union with Jesus looks like once again. Except this time, the focus is going to be on Christ in You (Colossians 1:27). The goal is to experience Jesus from within you. Think of it like Jesus putting on you. You may want to visualize Jesus stepping into you in the same way you stepped into Him in Step 3. As you experience your union, once again ask Jesus to speak to you. Whatever he speaks make sure that you write it down. Remember, this is Jesus speaking!
Most people are overwhelmed by this biblical meditation exercise. Many are overtaken with emotion as their perspectives are renewed. Afterward, I always encourage people to practice this exercise on a daily basis. Especially until their minds are renewed, their union with God is their default way of seeing themselves, and it becomes easy to hear from God.
I have heard so many stories of miraculous things happening as a result of this simple activation. I’d love to hear your stories as well. So please share them with us in the comments section.
Grace and peace,