In Part 1 I unpacked how our worldviews influence what is possible in our lives and encouraged you to begin to think about your thought life. If you haven’t read it click here to catch up.
Now let’s continue. In Part 1, I was bold enough to infer that you were not reading this article by accident, but that you were divinely led here for a “bigger-than-you” purpose. So, let’s continue assuming for a moment that I’m correct and right now you are about to hear something life changing.
But first, find a quiet place where you can tune in to your inner world, ask yourself the following questions, and listen to what your heart speaks to you.
What is the one limiting thing in your life that if you could miraculously transform it, it would be a game changer in your ability to fulfill your highest purpose and make a lasting impact in the lives of others?
What do you need to make that change?
What is holding you back?
Regardless of how you responded or what area of your life is in need of transformation, the change you are needing, whether it appears humanly impossible or just out of reach, is absolutely possible if you can believe.
“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” – Mark 9:23 (NLT)
I know, I know. I can hear some of you now.
“You don’t understand, Schlyce. My issue really is impossible.” Trust me, I get it. I’ve been there, done that, and got the huge bill in the mail to prove it. I’ve been supernaturally healed of incurable diseases. I’ve been told “no way” by experts, professionals, and people who really did know from experience what they were talking about.
I’ve also coached, mentored, and taught people for decades how to live in the realm of miracles and have seen people breakthrough impossible situations time and time again. So, sorry Charlie, you aren’t going to be able to convince me that you are the exception. I really believe that Jesus’ words are true even for you—even in your situation.
If you can believe, it’s possible. It will be possible.
So now what you ask?
Well, I recommend that you take some time to sit with and digest this reality, and think through how what you believe might be limiting you.
For example, at one point in my life after experiencing several miscarriages, I had to come to terms with the truth that deep down I believed that I couldn’t have children.
There were good reasons for that belief–doctor’s evaluations, surgeries, and my own life history as someone who was adopted. But ultimately if what Jesus said was true, then I had to consider that none of those things were the limiting factors. Today, I have two beautiful daughters because I chose to believe Jesus’ words for myself.
Stay tuned for Part 3 of this series, where I’ll walk you through steps that possess the power to miraculously transform anything! Till then…
Mucho love – Schlyce