Personal insecurities that cause us to need to be “something” other than His beloved drive so many called into ministry to strive for something superficial rather than eternal. As a result, people seek to build big ministries rather than authentic ones. They think external success is the same thing as eternal fruit.
But beloved, these ideas are the result of an orphan mindset. Orphans need recognition and success because they subconsciously feel deeply insecure and inadequate.
I know, because all of us on some level struggle with this. We are all overcoming and detoxing from our orphan ways of thinking through the power of Holy Spirit’s love, power, truth, and grace.
However, the longer I’ve followed Jesus along His path of life, the more I’ve come to realize something really simple, beautiful, and freeing. The size of your platform or ministry is absolutely no indication of anything. You aren’t more successful in ministry if you lead a mega church than you are if you lead a home group.
Ministry is not a popularity contest. Your success isn’t measured by how many people follow you or think you’re amazing.
Ministry is about a few very basic things.
It’s about love. It’s about selflessness. Its about joyful obedience and pure motives. Its about laying down your life and serving others. Regardless if people appreciate it or not. (That’s the thing about us orphans in recovery, we aren’t the easiest to serve.)
I know that most of us absolutely know this intellectually, but unfortunately our hearts and our heads aren’t always in sync. Self-deception runs rampart in these matters.
However, if you really want to know how deeply the orphan spirit affects your call, ask Holy Spirit to reveal it and remember…
Do you need recognition?
Beloved, you are already recognized. You are recognized by all of heaven. You are recognized as being in Christ. You are recognized as being filled with the fullness of the Godhead. You are a son not an orphan.
Do you need to be seen?
Beloved, realize you are already seen. You are not invisible. Angels see you. Demons see you. The Father sees you when He looks in the mirror. The only thing that’s missing is for you to see it.
You do not need outward success or recognition to be someone. Outward success will not make who you already are more true.