Happy New Year!
It’s only January 2nd and I’m not officially back to work until next week, but I woke up this morning with you on my mind!
As I laid in bed thinking about you and asking the Lord how I can best serve you, your goals, and your life purpose this year, this is what I heard Him speak to me…
In order to be truly successful in life, My kids must live out of their true identity. They must live out of who they are in Christ. They must live out of the place where they are abiding in Him.
This means that each of them must stop identifying with their old self-image – the unregenerate “me”, the separated “me,” the alienated “me”, the independent “me.” This “me” no longer exists. It’s just a memory of who they’ve experienced themselves to be over the course of their life.
However, this memory of “me,” who in reality no longer lives, must die in their minds!
You cannot identify with the old man and the new man at the same time. You cannot be joined to Me and separate from Me at the same time.
The state of abiding in Christ is the normal state and perpetual state of being for a believer, whether they are aware of it or not. Separation from Me is always just an illusion.
However, when someone is deceived by this illusion, My life does not flow through them. As a result they cannot produce the fruit, i.e. results, they want. They cannot produce the fruits that only come from being connected to the Tree of Life.
My results are only produced by abiding in Me. The supernatural is the natural byproduct of your life as you abide in Christ.
But remember child, it is one thing to know who you are in Christ, yet entirely something different to live out of this identity as a way of life.
And this My child, is the reason I created you.
I have called you to help people live their life purpose and make a difference in the world the only way that it can happen – through oneness with Me.
This is also why you must never, ever, stop moving forward and believing Me for big impossible dreams for yourself and others.
Yes, it may be easier to life a “normal” life, but Jesus paid an incredible price for you to experience My Life.
If you want to know what those connected to you need to know coming into this year in order for this year to be the best year they’ve ever lived, tell them this…
Listen to My voice. Make knowing Me, living out of your true identity, and learning to abide in union with Me, your number one priority this year.
Success in life isn’t found in setting and achieving more goals. It is found in living life with Me, in union with Me.
Will you set and achieve goals living this way?
Of course you will.
You will set and achieve My goals. I will accomplish My will and establish My kingdom through you as you abide in Me.
However, you and your life will not be defined by these accomplishments, for who you are and your success in life is defined by who you are in Me.
I pray that as you meditate on the Father’s words, the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ will fill you through and through.
I also pray that His words will bring clarity to you regarding your goals and priorities for this coming year.
And lastly, if you would like my help in learning to abide in union with God and live out of your true identity, please consider joining me in Emerge School of Transformation this year.
I’d love to be a part of your journey with God to experience the His fullness.
During Emerge, you will experience the Christ in you in unimaginable ways. As a result, you will wake up from the illusion of separation from God and begin to truly live life as a God has always meant for you to experience it.
To find out more about Emerge School of Transformation and apply to work with me, click here and schedule a FREE breakthrough call with me and my team.
Here’s to a year of abiding in Him!