My Favored Child,
Rise and shine! It’s supernatural acceleration time!
Get up child! Stand up in who I’ve called you to be. Get dressed! Put on Christ. Step into your true identity. You are clothed in light. You are filled with glory. Your righteousness is My righteousness. The Greater One lives in you!
Agree with Me. Take every thought captive and speak My words of life!
My words are powerful. They transform the seen. That’s why the enemy is after them. If he can hijack your thoughts, he can control your tongue. If he can control your tongue, he can lead you astray.
He’s an identity thief. This is a battle for identity. This is a battle for intimacy. There is a war waging in the Spirit against your destiny.
However, you have the victory! I won it for you at Calvary. Anything and everything that had the power to stop you from being who I’ve called you to be was defeated at Calvary. Sin and death have no power over you. The curse was reversed. You’ve been redeemed!
You are now seated in heavenly places in Me. You have the keys of the Kingdom in your hand.
Don’t be deceived by the way things “look.” Meditate on the things I’ve spoken. Use the eyes of your understanding, your enlightened imagination, to see things from My perspective. When I look at you, I see you, perfect and blameless.
When I see your future, I step outside of time and see it finished.
Look through My eyes and you’ll see yourself possessing all that I’ve promised. You’ll see yourself living the dream I’ve dreamed for you. Come on child. Hop up on My throne. Sit with Me, in Me, and we’ll take a “tour” of your future. We’ll envision the destiny I’ve planned for you.
As you see things from My perspective, you will transcend the present and experience the supernatural acceleration I desire for you.
Everything looks different from My perspective, child. Obstacles are opportunities. Problems are promotions. Failures are lessons. It’s all in how you look at things. My perspective transforms everything.
Kisses from Heaven,