My Delightful Child,
Your abiding in Me, gives Me great joy. Seeing you imitate Me causes My Spirit to leap.
My Spirit leaps into action when we operate as One, speaking to mountains and calling things that be not as though they were. The Holy Spirit in you loves to create with you and dispel darkness through you.
You were recreated in Christ to live in union with Me. So, living supernaturally comes natural for you.
Doing what I do, letting Me work through you, is no big deal, it’s what you were designed to do. Performing miracles, even greater works than Jesus, releases My glory and displays the power that is in you. Seeing what I’m doing and imitating Me is how you were designed to live.
You were My idea. You abiding in Me and I abiding in you is My dream come true.
So, I’m intimately familiar with what you are capable of. I see your full potential in Me. That’s why I’m always stretching you and helping you come up higher. I want you to see what I see. I’m training you in righteousness to be just like Me.
So keep abiding, child. Walk with Me and talk with Me moment by moment.
Do what I do. Say what I say. I’ll continue to show you My way. The mountains before you are really just speed bumps, designed to slow you down. But, remember, together we can always soar above them. We aren’t limited by the laws of gravity that want to keep you on the ground.
The laws of My Spirit govern what is possible for you. Close your eyes and see.
I’ll show you paradise, where you are seated inside of Me. From My perspective the impossible is easy. Seated with Me, you can rest in My supernatural ease.
Flowing as One we’ll continue to speak and release more of Heaven on Earth.
Kisses from Heaven,