My Dearest Child,
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about all that My Son has given you.
My desire is for His fullness to manifest in you and through you. He came that you might have life and have it more abundantly – that you would be so full of My life that it would overflow out of you and transform the world around you. Because of Him, you now live independent of the world system and have dominion over it. You are not a victim, My child. You are an heir of My Kingdom. You are full of My power and My glory and My dominion. My Kingdom is not of this world. It exists on another plane – far over and above the one that appears to rule the Earth.
Learning to live in My Kingdom isn’t optional for you.
Learning to abide in the vine is the most important thing on the planet. It’s your primary purpose. It’s the key that unlocks Heaven on Earth and shines My light into the world. I know that sometimes it seems as though evil is advancing more than My Kingdom.
But, beloved don’t be deceived.
Bad news may be what is mostly broadcast by the media, but the good news of My Gospel is being preached like never before. More and more are receiving eternal life and taking their place in My Kingdom. This is why it is so important and strategic for you to grow into the fullness of My stature. Others need examples, real life examples, of what it means to be My heir.
There are many to be discipled.
There is a world that is starving for My goodness and pleasure. You are My living epistle. Your life story matters. I want others to see Me when they look at your life. I don’t just want your words to tell of My goodness, I want your life to reflect it. Therefore, it is extremely important that you become the overcomer that I have called you to be and not allow the circumstances of life to stifle the power that I have placed inside of you.
Do not allow anything to intimidate you or cause you to shrink back from all that I have destined you to be and do.
I am not only with you, I am in you! Learn of Me through your union with Me. Study My ways, My word, and My miracles with Me. Be a disciple that looks like the Master. Everything that I AM I have given to you. Now is the time for you to learn how to appropriate it and use it to release My Kingdom.
Miracles are easy when you believe the Miracle Worker lives within.
Provision, healing, and all kinds of manifestations of My glory are your inheritance. So step out My child, let’s manifest My name. Release My power and live in the realm of My glory. You are full of My splendor. You are an ambassador of My peace. Be the solution that I’ve called you to be. Be the answer to prayer that I’ve created you to be. Release My glory and be the move of God the world is waiting to see. It’s in you because I’m in you. You are not waiting on Me. I am waiting on you.
So go for it My child. Go for it!
Kisses from Heaven,