Remember when I told My Son that it was My pleasure to give you My kingdom? Well it truly is My joy and delight. I love sharing all that I am with you. I love showering you with the abundance of My heart.
My kingdom is your inheritance. My abundance is your abundance.
Today, I’d like to spend a few minutes talking with you about the importance of thinking the way I do about wealth and developing a wealth mindset. Poverty is an enemy of My kingdom. However, I want you to recognize that lack and poverty are not first and foremost money problems. They are spirits that operate through strongholds and wrong mindsets. People are programmed by the world system, life circumstances, religion, and fear to operate in ways that I never designed them to operate in.
This is why it is so very important that you renew your mind.
I want to help you change your mind about wealth. I want to help you upgrade your “money mentality.” I want you to start thinking about me as your Rich Dad and yourself as my Rich Son. I am your financial advisor, mentor, and “banking partner.” And I want you to be a part of My kingdom expansion project. But to do that, you have to operate with My wealth mindset.
Abundance is all around you. You just have to know where to look.
Your bank account cannot tell you how much money you have. Your balance sheet cannot show you how many assets you own. You are a joint heir with Jesus. You are married to the King of Kings. The wealth of My house, your house, is infinite. But in order to access all that belongs to you in Christ, you must go beyond what you can physically perceive.
Open your eyes child, and see the abundance of My kingdom!
Now is the time for you to follow the dreams in your heart without fear. The finances required are in your account, you just have to see them through the eyes of faith. They will be released the same way Heaven always manifests – by following My instructions and taking the steps of faith I am asking you to take.
You do not have to figure it out on your own, just ask Me what I am asking you to do and do that.
The Bible is full of example after example of this. Abraham received a ram in the bush, the widow woman’s oil multiplied, and the water turned to wine because people heard My voice and obeyed. There are specific things I am asking of you in this season. I will prompt you to give, for example, when you feel you can’t afford it. I will ask you to move forward, when you feel afraid. And sometimes, I will ask you to do for someone else the very thing you are asking Me to do for you.
I am stretching you in these ways because I want you to have complete trust in Me and My faithfulness.
I love you My child and I want every ounce of lack and poverty broken off of your life. I want you to experience the complete victory over sin and all of its consequences that My Son purchased on the cross with His own blood. I want the spirit of fear cast out of your life once and for all.
Believe it and receive it My child. This is My will for you. All that I am, all that I possess, is yours through our union. All that I am is your inheritance in Christ.
Big Kisses,