My Child,
You are right on the verge, on the edge, on the cusp of some of the biggest breakthroughs of your life.
Don’t allow the voices of doubt and confusion to drown out the song I’m singing over you. Don’t stop dancing our victory dance. Keep dancing your heart out with Me. Remember child, the best time for a breakthrough is when things look the worse. The best time for a miracle is when things seem utterly hopeless.
My plan and purposes for you will come to fruition.
The words that I am prophetically singing over you will come to pass. The power of My words is beyond your ability to imagine. Remember when I said, “Let there be light?” What happened? Light manifested. In fact, the power that was released by those four words is still in operation today. My words transform the darkest of circumstances. There is nothing that My words cannot transform.
So why is it that people don’t always get breakthrough? Why do some seemingly lose battle after battle?
The answer to these questions is not as important as recognizing the voice behind these questions. The voice of doubt is subtle. The voice of the accuser is often difficult to discern.
It causes you to focus on the wrong thing. It tempts you to look at other people’s lack of results and situations where it didn’t work and doubt.
It wants you to believe that I’m not a good Father. It accuses the cross of Christ as not being sufficient. It deceives you into thinking you lack something that has already been provided. Remember when the voice of doubt tempted Eve? It made her believe I was Someone I am not. I made her believe I was holding out on her and Adam, when they already possessed perfection!
Do not listen to the voice of doubt! Do not believe the accuser!
Remember the words My Son, Your Husband, spoke on the cross. “It is finished!” Everything that you will ever need, desire, or require has already been provided through His death, burial, and resurrection. You have an invisible inheritance, and imperishable kingdom, all that Heaven contains is within you. Heaven has invaded Earth and made you its citizen.
Through your union with Jesus, all that Heaven contains is at your disposal.
What you focus on will manifest. Heaven requires your agreement! The breakthrough you seek, the breakthrough you need, will manifest as you fill your mind with the Gospel truth! Meditate on what Jesus has done. See the breakthrough from My perspective as something you’ve already received!
Sing with Me! Prophesy with Me! Agree with Me!
As you do, the light will shine, the dawn will break, and the darkness will flee. Anything and everything that is not a part of your inheritance in Christ will be engulfed by My glory. What you choose to focus on is key. What will you choose to believe about Me? Am I a good Father? Did Jesus finish and provide everything you need? Do you live in union with Me? If your answer to these questions is yes, and you refuse to doubt, you will absolutely see the victory!
So drown out the voice of doubt and shut the accuser’s mouth by rejoicing and singing songs of victory with Me!
Kisses from Heaven,