My Sweet, Sweet Child,
Don’t be intimidated by the wind and the waves. Keep your gaze focused on Me!
I know how to walk on the water and I want you to do the same. You weren’t designed for “in-the-boat” living where there’s no possibility of failure. No, I designed you to do the impossible, to dominate natural law, and follow My lead. You were born from above, born of My Spirit, in My image and likeness. You look just like Me!
Yes, the storms of life will come, but I’ve called you to overcome, to still the storm, and imitate Me!
Remember, when it looks the darkest, you shine the brightest. So, don’t be afraid of evil reports or let the circumstances intimidate you. Stand your ground, run towards the giant, and speak to the mountain, My child. There are miracles in your mouth. Heaven’s answer is just a few words away. So speak My child, speak! Speak in My name!
The seen realm will respond to your faith-filled words as you allow Me to speak through you.
As it was in the beginning so it will be. The darkness will bow, something new will come forth, and Heaven will invade the Earth. But remember My child, nothing happens apart from, “let there be.” Speaking proceeds manifestation. Heaven invades when it hears the command. Mountains are moved when they are told what to do. Words are what unlock the door to miracles – My words spoken by you!
If you’re unsure exactly what to speak, just ask Me. I’ll answer and give you instructions. I’ll tell you exactly what to say.
We’re partners in My business of expanding My kingdom on the Earth, My child. And, there’s plenty of work to be done. So how about it? Ready to roll up your sleeves? It’s time to say what needs to be said.
“Peace, be Still!” “Mountain, be Moved!” “Heaven, come!”
Kisses from Heaven,