My Strong Child,
You have grown up in a world system which taught you to value independence, self-confidence, and self-driven success.
But, that’s not the way things work in my family. Success isn’t obtained by working hard or independently to achieve your goals. You are already successful because of who you are in Me and true success looks like Me achieving My goals through you.
Unlearning the ways of the world isn’t easy.
You are inundated every day with messaging that screams, “do more, be more, achieve more!” Plus, you weren’t taught in your worldly or religious education systems how to live in union with Me and allow Me to work through you. Striving is celebrated as a valiant effort. Becoming a “self-made” man is considered honorable.
But truthfully child, that is not the way I designed human beings to function.
You were never created to be your own source. In fact, independence from Me is the very essence of pride. It is also the backbone of religion. Operating under the illusion of separation is not only an exhausting way to live, it is a deceived one.
Today, I want you to realize that I want to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever accomplish on your own – through you!
I want to lead you step by step into the plans and purposes I have ordained for you – plans to prosper you and give you an expected end. The things I want to do through you are destined to bless many. But you must learn an entirely new way of living. Working with me is going to require that you develop a new and different rhythm and cadence in your daily life.
Abiding in the vine can feel counter productive at first.
Especially when you are accustomed to running on fumes. But resting in Me is the only way to experience My abundant life. Times of refreshment are mandatory, as are times of stillness. It is in these times that you will recognize the value of My manifest presence.
Moses understood this well when I told Him, “My presence will travel with you, and I will give you rest.”
And he replied, “If Your presence doesn’t travel with me, then don’t lead us away from here. How will the people know that I have gained Your trust and blessing if You do not travel with us? Isn’t it the very fact that Your presence travels with us that distinguishes us from every other people on earth?”
Beloved, I want to do great and mighty things through you, but you absolutely must learn how to rest in Me.
My presence with you, in you, and upon you will accomplish more in 5 minutes than you can accomplish in 5 decades. So rest child, practice My presence, and watch Me do through you what you could never accomplish on your own.
Kisses from Heaven,