My Powerful Child,
Today is a great day for a breakthrough. It really is… So why not believe for one?
It’s easy to be passive when you are in circumstances that feel out of your control. But being passive is not how to see the miraculous manifest in your life. If you take some time to see how miracles were performed in Scripture, you will see that there was always some kind of action involved.
Faith is never passive, it is active. Believing plus doing what I’m asking you to do is what brings breakthrough.
While in prison, Paul and Silas worshipped in the middle of the night. Then suddenly there was a great earthquake and immediately every prison door flung open and the chains of all the prisoners came loose. The walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched around them for seven days.
When the woman with the issue of blood risked her life to go to Jesus and touch His garment, she was made whole.
When the servants filled the water pots with water, Jesus turned it into wine. When the Israelites reached the Red Sea, Moses stretched out his hand and the waters divided, allowing his followers safe passage. If you want to understand how people all throughout Scripture experienced the impossible, read Hebrews 11.
“Faith in Action” is how some translations describe this chapter. Why? Because faith takes action in the midst of impossible situations.
But here’s the real challenge in the midst of any challenge – what action am I leading you to take? You are not alone in the situation. I am in you, I am with you. You are filled with My Spirit and My glory. You are not powerless or without help in any situation. You are the carrier of the King of Kings. And His realm of glory, the Kingdom of God, comes with power.
The giant in front of you is no match for the Jesus within you. Therefore there is no circumstance, challenge, or problem that can defeat you.
If this is true, which it most certainly is, then what is the key to your breakthrough? Hearing from Me child. What am I doing? What am I saying? What am I asking you to do? If you are unsure, just ask. If you cannot hear, then worship Me. If you still cannot hear, then find someone to pray for you who can.
Press into My presence. Press into My voice. I have victory for you in every situation.
Do not settle for less than Heaven’s best. Do not agree with the accuser of the brethren. You are more than a conqueror because the greater One has already won the victory. Living a miraculous life full of breakthroughs is the life you were recreated in Christ to live. So do not settle for less and for Heaven’s sake do not be passive in the midst of challenges.
Seek My face. In other words, “Get in My face!” Ask Me what to do and do it. Then watch the walls fall, the wine flow, and the prison doors open.
Kisses from Heaven,