My Beloved Child,
Today as you gather with family and friends, or even if it’s just the two of us, I wanted you to know just how thankful I am for you!
I also wanted to remind you of the most important thing to be thankful for, not only today, but every single day – that you know and live inside of My son Jesus! Jesus is the absolute best isn’t He? Can I just brag on Him for a minute?
Like Me, He loves you unconditionally, always believes the best about you, and never ever leaves you or forsakes you.
You should hear the way He talks about you. In fact, He was just telling Me about the latest prayer He and Holy Spirit have been declaring over you. Want to hear it?
Victory! Victory! Victory! Victory is your inheritance, child. The price for your victory in every situation has been paid in full. So rejoice in the midst of trials. Rejoice in the midst of the fire. Rejoice when it looks like there’s no way out. You are not alone. I am with you, I am in you., and together we will triumph! Over and over again! Every storm that comes your way, I have already overcome. Storms, no matter how strong they appear, are no match for us.
So rise up, beloved. Rise up and see things from My perspective. Sit down with Me in heavenly places and see through My eyes. From here you can see all the way to eternity. From here you can see your future and your destiny is fulfilled. The vision I have for your life, just like the Father’s vision for Mine, was finished before the foundation of the world.
Don’t think for a second that I am not working in the midst of the storms. Storms are where I do some of My best work. They are where I teach you to dominate the seen realm. Speak to the storm and don’t be afraid to get out of the boat and walk on water with Me. You were recreated in Me to do the impossible. The impossible is possible because we are One.
No matter how things appear right now, or how violently the winds are blowing.
Kisses from Heaven,
Your Papa