My Super Abundant Child,
Did you know that you are jam-packed with the fullness of who I am?
Yes, it’s true. The fullness of the Godhead is dwelling in you through your union with Christ! Stop and ponder that for a moment. The ramifications of this reality are outstanding. This truth redefines everything about you.
Honestly, it completely changes the meaning of who you are, what you have, and what you can do!
This means nothing is impossible for you. It means you lack absolutely nothing. It means that everything you need to accomplish the good works I prepared for you before the foundation of the world, is already yours in Christ!
I am infinite. I never run out of anything. And I live in you.
There is so much more to you than meets the eye. You have My whole Kingdom within you. You are massive on the inside. You have untapped riches, resources, and miracles in you that are waiting to be released through you.
I have lavished every blessing Heaven has upon YOU in Christ! (Ephesians 1:3)
You see, I have gifted you with the entirety of My wealth and Kingdom. You have obtained your inheritance in Christ. Wake up to how full you are! I said those who hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be FILLED! Like My son David wrote in Psalm 23, “my cup overflows.” I am removing the word lack from your vocabulary, child.
Stop playing small, you are not small. You are My immortal child of inheritance in whom I live.
I am awakening you to fullness. You have received the Spirit of sonship and when you know you are My child, you live like it. You are led by My Spirit and nothing is impossible for you. All of Heaven is rejoicing over you. It’s ok to join our party. Go ahead, get wild and crazy, don’t hold back! Do a happy dance because of who you are!
You are never going to go without. I am your Papa and no child of Mine goes hungry.
Jesus died to give you all that We have and now you are bursting at the seams with blessing. Can you see it? Do you feel it? I can see you starting to grin, I know you want to smile and get really happy! Go ahead, after all I created you for bliss! Celebrating is how you manifest Heaven, My child.
Happiness is a fruit of My Spirit. My desire is for your joy to be FULL!
I came to give you life to the FULLEST! You see, lack is not on the menu, but FULLNESS is. You are My Super Abundant Child, I am waking you up to reality and your bliss will attract the nations.
And remember, lack is not a word in your vocabulary.
Kisses from Heaven,