My Precious Child,
So many of My children live in anxiety, uncertain of their identity, never really experiencing the joy of who they are in Christ.
They worry, “Am I believing right?” “Do I have enough faith?” “Will God answer my prayers?” But, My heart for you, beloved, is that you would feel safe and secure 100% of the time, certain that you really are a brand new creation who lives in union with Me all of the time.
It’s true! I want you to be happy and confident! I want you to have an unshakable foundation! I want you to have GODFIDENCE!
Remember the parable of the wise man who built his house on the rock? The waters rose and the winds came and beat upon his house, but it remained standing! You see, that is what it’s like when you build your identity on your union with Jesus. You are no longer depend on yourself. And nothing can shake your confidence because everything depends on Him!
You no longer have to wonder if you believe enough or have strong enough faith. Instead you rely on My Son’s perfect faith!
Life with Me is so much easier and fun than you’ve been led to believe. Look to Me child, not your prayers or how you feel when you pray. Look to My Son Jesus and what He did FOR you, AS you! It wasn’t just Jesus on the cross or in the grave or rising from the dead. It was you too! What Jesus went through, you went through. Jesus is what’s happened to you! When He rose from the dead you really were born anew.
Your earthly parents may have decided to have you, but who decided to create the human race?
Think about it. Your new birth happened because I wanted kids! You have always been Mine. None of this depends on you at all whatsoever. All of it was My idea. You’ve always been My dream come true. And there’s nothing you can do to change the way I feel about you. I love you the exact same way I love My Son.
It’s a no-brainer really, when you realize that you and Jesus are one!
Can you feel My love? Are you starting to feel relief? Phew! You don’t have to hold yourself together any longer. Nothing you do changes your status before Me. Jesus already accomplished everything needed for you to live an abundant, victorious life!
Your belief doesn’t make you new. Your faith isn’t what makes it true. It’s simply your “AMEN!” to what Jesus has already done that makes it real to you!
When you understand that Jesus was faithful FOR you, and that We never forgot who you really are, you can finally breathe. So go ahead, child. Let it out. Let go of all of that pressure and anxiety. Let go of trying to believe enough, have enough faith, and be perfect.
It’s ok, My darling one, I’ve already perfected you. My grace is sufficient. Just keep your eyes on Me.
Kisses from Heaven,