My Precious Child,
Do you know that you can have whatever you want?! That’s right, whatever your little heart desires. You have My full permission to want what you want!
I know you’ve heard it said that the heart is deceitful above all things, BUT I say on the cross I crucified that old wicked heart and gave you a brand new one. You are a new creation. That means you can trust that your desires originate in Me. You can confidently trust that you are one with Me and led by My Spirit. No longer afraid to be led astray or to make a mistake, you are free to run wild with abandon, the way I created you to be, with an assurance that I will not drop you, and you won’t mess it up!
So, what do you really want? I cause ALL things to work together for your good, remember?! I own everything and you’re married to ME, remember?!
All of My promises are yes IN Christ, and you are NOT a mistake. You are perfect. Jesus removed every speck of sin from you, as far as the east is from the west. With that in mind, I want you to start dreaming again, dream with Me. Come away, My darling, and let us build a life together. I am wooing you to Myself. I created you for this love affair with ME! You were made for passion, excitement, and pleasure. Religion makes you wrong for having desires, but I placed those desires in you, and I am telling you I want you to live a life that is abundant, full, and rich!
Jesus died on the cross FOR YOU, to give you EVERYTHING We have and make Us One!
You are not trying to get something you don’t ALREADY HAVE, beloved. I emptied My pockets just for you! Jesus is your Husband, don’t you think He wants to spoil you? Or, as your Father, do I not desire to see you happy and fulfilled? Or do you not think the Holy Spirit is ecstatic to awaken you to your inheritance in Christ? You are Our heart, and We love giving you presents!
I want, My child, for you to live loved, step confidently into your inheritance in Christ, and be true to your heart.
Whatever is on your heart that you have neglected out of fear, decided was silly or impractical, or religion told you was wrong, is actually what I want you to pursue! Jesus stepped into your physical world and baptized it in the Holy Spirit. Your physical existence is holy and full of Me. You can trust your desires. Everything that Heaven contains is yours, and it is always My good pleasure to give you the Kingdom! So, be free, and go after what you really want, We will do it all together in union. You are never alone, My grace will be with you to accomplish everything. Ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be FULL!
Kisses from Heaven,