My Precious Child,
Do you know that you are created for pleasure? You are a creative being, made in Our enjoyment and love.
You are literally hardwired for bliss and satisfaction. It is why you crave connection with others, good food, and enjoy beautiful music. It’s the very reason you can’t get painting out of your head, you dream to own an art studio, or to teach dance. It is why people create symphonies, movies, write books, create new inventions, or have children. It is all for pleasure. It is what drives you, My child.
If you try to suppress your desire for pleasure, it won’t go away. Rather, it just ends up manifesting in your life in brokenness.
You see, religion is the ultimate party killer. It doesn’t like fun, it is absolutely against pleasure, and it wants you to follow the Law to earn My love and acceptance. It is why so many of My children are hurting. Because they try to suppress the appetites THAT I GAVE THEM. Don’t be fooled by fancy talk of rule following and the frowning that is oh so common to those who want to put heavy burdens on you. You have My permission to be a pleasure junkie!
All of your decisions are motivated by desire for happiness, it’s because We made you like Us. We like to have fun and We are very creative, so what does that say about you?!!
When you know that your appetite for fun is godly, you won’t want to turn to a worldly pursuit of pleasure that only ends in pain and suffering. Grace teaches you to say NO to sin, silly! I want you to dream and think about what makes you happy and excited and write it down, put it on your wall or mirror, and go after it with all of your heart! You see, My child, it is disappointment that makes the heart sick, and when you are denied true happiness in the unique way I designed for you, it leads to depression. It is very important for you to listen to your heart and go after what you really want! We are one, so you are not operating alone, remember?!
I am inviting you to be led by pleasure and fun and to co-create the life of your dreams. This is the very reason you were born!
It might sound crazy just how free I intend for you to be, but remember where My Spirit is there is freedom! And at My right hand are pleasures forevermore. So what sounds fun? What feels exhilarating and gives you butterflies in your stomach? Don’t worry if it feels like skydiving, that’s your spirit getting excited by what is possible for you. It will be risky, but so totally worth it, beloved. This is the joy that was set before Jesus that motivated Him to endure the cross and overcome sin and death. You. Your life. Your creative ability, because We made you and brought you up into our Triune Dance and Celebration.
Jesus became flesh because being human is a blast! You are like Him, full of creative ability and joy.
I want you to live an adventurous and fun life that you actually enjoy, not just endure. This life is not meant to be a vale of tears. Happiness is a fruit of Holy Spirit. Your physical life matters, child. What you want to do is what I want you to do. Make music, have a family, become a photographer, write books. The point is…dream BIG. Live for true and lasting pleasure that is found IN Christ and go co-create whatever you want!!! We Love you!
Kisses from Heaven,