My Precious Child,
I am perfecting your ability to be present in each moment, aware of Me and abiding in My love. I am making you impervious to distractions and contradictions.
Right now is the only moment that matters, child, because this moment is where you can be present with Me. This is what it means to abide. I am strengthening your inner man to be conscious of Christ in you, no matter what is going on around you. Those are just distractions anyway, don’t let them fool you or steal your attention away from Me. I know difficult circumstances seem intimidating. But, when you realize Christ in you and your union with Me, you will barely even notice what once used to terrify you. Woo-hoo!! You are not a slave to fear any more.
Being present with Me in each moment takes practice. You have spent years living under the deception of your old man, trapped in your unrenewed mind, and still have old programs running in your brain. So be gentle with yourself.
I am not telling you to expect difficulty, but don’t be surprised if at first, your mind wanders often. When you do get distracted, gently turn your gaze back toward Me, and remember who you are. Breathe in, breathe out. I am the breath in your lungs. I am closer to you than your own skin. In Me, you live and move and have your being. You are one Spirit with My Son Jesus. This means that you can actually hear My Voice and experience My Presence anywhere any time you desire. That’s what the Cross accomplished for you, absolute oneness. And, it does not depend one iota on your performance, it’s all a free gift.
When you feel stuck, I want you to practice connecting to the present moment. Become aware of your body, feel the sensations in your body, and just sit with them judgment free. Then clap your hands, start dancing, go for a walk, or do some jumping jacks and realize I’m doing the same with you, in you!
I know it sounds silly, but, when you become aware of your body and change your physiology with movement, you can actually bring your consciousness back to the present moment, in the moment. It pulls your awareness out of the past and the future and into the now. You can’t change the past and the future is unknown from your perspective, but right now you can be with Me. I love you and I want all the present moment time I can get with you, because I enjoy being with you. There is so much I want to teach you and moments I want to share with you, but I can’t when you are distracted. But don’t worry, I am perfecting your ability to do this, it is not about you being perfect at abiding, but about Me being a perfect teacher! The key is to keep your focus always on ME, and off of you.
Being totally conscious of Christ is eternal life, it’s to know Me and be continually overflowing with joy in Holy Spirit.
You are made for continual joy and ecstasy. Abundant life is about having fun and laughing. Relationship with Me isn’t boring or dull, strict or depressive. I am causing you to unlearn lies that have held you back from your own greatness for far too long. Isn’t this exciting?! You are My offspring, and when you are present and aware of how glorious you are, you manifest happiness and miracles. You can manifest whatever you desire when you are present with Me! You are meant to be radiant and full of life. I am making you unshakeable. No circumstance will be able to make you forget your union; no difficulty will be able to distract you from your glorious inheritance in Me. I am your Rock and Foundation. Holy Spirit is in you continually speaking and reminding you of the truth. This is union, beloved. We don’t mess around. We are here to feast and celebrate Our love with you and in you. So, stay in the right now, and be ecstatic in Our love.
Kisses from Heaven,