My Precious Child,
You are always in union with Jesus. When you are experiencing My Presence, you are simply remembering the Truth.
I am perfecting your ability to experience My unconditional love. I am removing everything that obscures your vision and replacing those lies with the Mind of Christ. You truly never have to come down from this high when you know the truth. I created you to consistently experience My joy and pleasure.
Take a moment and consciously breathe Me in and out. Holy Spirit is closer to you than the breath in your lungs.
Remember child, in Me you live, and move, and have your being. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING can separate you from My love. When you practice being aware of Me, you experience what is always true! How fun is this? Each moment of your life is full of glory. Even when you’re doing laundry or paying taxes.
On the Cross, Jesus was healing the illusion of separation from Us!
We poured out Holy Spirit to unveil this reality in your mind and heart. It’s painful thinking and believing that you are separate from Me! Paul said in Colossians that Jesus fills everything in every way. That includes you, beloved. We removed every obstacle to Our romance with you on the Cross.
You are IN! Dance, get happy, and shake off all that heaviness that has kept you in doubt.
Holy Spirit is perfecting your vision so that you can live happy and free. A believer is simply someone who has recognized their inclusion in Our Triune life and now experiences the bliss of relationship with Us. Tip your head back and take another drink of unconditional love. There is nothing you can do that would cause Us to abandon you.
The more that you practice resting in Truth, the more free you will FEEL!
Be gentle with yourself and remember this is all a practice. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about sonship. This union isn’t dependent on how much or how consistently you believe it. This is why you can rest. We want you to feel safe and secure in Our Arms. Take another deep breath and allow yourself to feel Our love.
Kisses from Heaven,