My Glorious Child,
NOW is the time to live your calling and focus on My agenda like never before.
Like an athlete who’s focused on the prize and intentional about training to win, that’s the kind of focus, discipline, and intentionality I’m developing in you. I have called you to run your race like a champion, determined to win! My Apostle Paul used sports analogies, like the Olympic games, in his letters often because he understood the value and role that focus, discipline, and intentionality play in fulfilling your purpose, especially after experiencing the many trials that could easily have derailed him. And beloved, you are My champion in Christ. And in order to fulfill all of the miraculous things that I am planning to do through you, a new level of spiritual fitness is required.
I want you to think of the Holy Spirit as your personal Olympic trainer who is urging you to “up your game.”
It’s time to commit to winning the prize of your high calling in Christ like never before. This is going to require My grace, but that’s always available to you. Together we are going to win by training your mind to stay aware of Holy Spirit at all times. This is a season of spiritual strength-training and conditioning like none you’ve ever experienced. You cannot go where I am taking you without being established in your True Identity in Christ, beloved. Consider an artist who never paints, or a marathon runner who never trains. How can they create a masterpiece or win a gold medal if they have not disciplined themselves to put in the time and effort to practice?
You are in a process of growth and maturity, and I need you big and strong in the Lord through your union with Me!
Don’t be discouraged by small beginnings. Michelangelo didn’t paint the Sistine Chapel overnight! He too went through a process of being developed and practicing his art until he mastered it. In the same way, I am taking you through a process of establishing who you really are and strengthening your inner man so that Christ dwells in your heart by faith. In this process, you will encounter resistance, you won’t always “feel” like completing the task at hand, but walk by faith child. Trust Me, not your feelings.
I want you to rethink resistance and see it as working FOR you and not against you.
Your resistance to growth and change and the days you want to hit the snooze button are for you! They are opportunities for you to lean into the discomfort, grow stronger, and to rely on My mighty power within you. Remember, it is ALL by grace. You are not doing any of this in your own unaided strength, trust in Me, we are One. Trust Christ in you, The Holy Spirit within is your power to overcome any and all obstacles, defeat any and all opponents, and accomplish any and all dreams.
The battle is in your mind, but you have the mindset of a Champion because I gave you the Mind of Christ!
So use it child, and do not be dismayed by the contradictions or obstacles that oppose you on the field of dreams. They are actually FOR you when you use them to develop and strengthen you in the truth. Think My Son’s thoughts about you and your life, flood your mind with the light of the Gospel. Agree with Me and how I see your circumstances. You are a new creation, but on the days that you don’t “feel” like it’s true, you don’t revert back to old patterns of behavior. Recognize those old programs running in your brain and reshape the circumstances you face into an opportunity to demolish them.
And above all…Do not be discouraged. No matter what you’re up against, we will tackle it together!
In the process, you’re going to begin to totally change your perspective about adversity. With laser focus and intentionality, you’ll begin to view discipline as a delicious fruit that empowers you to live victoriously and happy by consistently living out of your true identity in Christ. You’ll actually begin to celebrate when contradictions to the truth come and you’ll dance, leap, and shout for joy as you start winning every battle! You’ll see every challenge you face as a golden opportunity to manifest more of your full potential in Christ. And before you know it, you’ll be breaking and setting new records time and time again as you accelerate faster and faster towards the prize of your highest calling in Christ.
Kisses from Heaven,