My Precious Child,
When you become aware of My presence everything changes.
I am not an absent Father. I am always with you and available – 24/7. I never sleep or slumber. I watch over you at all times and love sharing My life with you. Nothing in all of creation can separate you from My love, because nothing can separate you from Me. We are one, child. I’ve made you My temple. I’ve moved into your Spirit and made you My home. Anytime you feel distance between us, that is just an illusion. I understand that the distance feels real, but feelings aren’t the Truth. Jesus is the Truth – the Truth about you and the Truth about the kind of relationship you and I share. I want us to experience the same level of intimacy that Jesus and I enjoy.
I am teaching you to celebrate My Presence and to reject the illusion of My absence.
What if you could experience My manifest presence all the time!?! You can! That’s the Holy Spirit’s favorite pastime. He loves manifesting all that belongs to you in Christ. And beloved, the continual joy and celebration that is found in My presence is the most powerful part of your inheritance. In My presence is the fullness of joy and joy is your strength! My presence is the most powerful thing that has or will ever exist. My presence brings healing. My presence brings freedom. My presence releases My glory! So what are you waiting for? Open up the floodgates of Heaven, i.e. your lips, and shift the atmosphere. Agree with Me. Acknowledge the truth. Speak the truth out loud. Better yet, sing it out loud. Sing of My goodness. Sing of My grace. Acknowledge who I am. Acknowledge who you are. Acknowledge our Oneness and feel the atmosphere shift.
There is power in thanksgiving, praise, and worship, child. Remember when Paul and Silas began to sing at the midnight hour in prison?
Don’t underestimate the power of your praise. Don’t understand the power of the Truth. And by all means, don’t underestimate Me! What you focus on matters. If you focus on the negative, you empower the negative. If you focus on the doctor’s report, you give it power. But when you focus on Jesus, you release the power of the Healer in you! When you focus on unpaid bills, you exalt them over Me. But when you focus on the glorious riches that are yours in Christ Jesus, guess what gets released? Lack is no match for Us! Lack must bow to the King within! This is how We overcome, child. You shift your attention to Me and My presence. Heaven is within you. So again I say, open up the floodgates and release it!
When you focus on and acknowledge Me, you transcend the natural realm. You mount up on wings as eagles and begin to soar with My Spirit!
It’s not that I need your thanksgiving, praise, or worship. You do! You need to remember what is real! You are one with Me! And that is something to celebrate! Dance with Me! Sing with Me! Let’s get jiggy with it, child! I’m not some fuddy-duddy Dad. I’m the life of the party! Let’s dance that money in! Let’s sing that sickness away! Come on child, it’s time to take it up another notch. Let’s rejoice and sing even louder! Sing it with Me… “I have the victory! I have the victory! My Father never leaves or forsakes me. No, no, no… He lives in me!” Now dance and sing… “We have the victory! We have the victory! All that Jesus is and has belongs to me!”
Kisses from Heaven,