My Precious Child, Do you know what it means to be the temple of the Holy Spirit? Jesus died for Us to have this union with you. He said “On that day you will realize that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.” He told His disciples
My Precious Child, Do you know what it means to be the temple of the Holy Spirit? Jesus died for Us to have this union with you. He said “On that day you will realize that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.” He told His disciples
My Precious Child, Do you know that you are created for pleasure? You are a creative being, made in Our enjoyment and love. You are literally hardwired for bliss and satisfaction. It is why you crave connection with others, good food, and enjoy beautiful music. It’s the very reason you can’t get painting out of
My Precious Child, Do you know what the cross was all about? I mean do you really know what happened to you when Jesus died? The Cross of Christ is the happiest place in the universe when you have eyes to see it. It is where everything that is not authentically you was stripped away.
My Brilliant Child, I want you to see yourself from My perspective. I gave you the mind of Christ so that you could literally look at yourself through My eyes! You see, I don’t have any distortions and I am certainly NOT confused about who you are. I know the REAL you. I knit you
My Precious Child, Do you know that you can have whatever you want?! That’s right, whatever your little heart desires. You have My full permission to want what you want! I know you’ve heard it said that the heart is deceitful above all things, BUT I say on the cross I crucified that old wicked
My Glorious Child, Do you feel like the grass is always greener somewhere else, or that if you just kept up with the Joneses you would finally be happy? First of all, when you compare yourself to others, that only steals your joy. You are perfect just as you are and right where you are.
My Spirit-Filled Child, Did you know that the righteous are as bold as a lion?! The key is knowing Me and thinking My thoughts about you! My love dispels all fear and makes you brave. When you recognize that I have given you everything you need, and then some, you realize you can’t lose! I
My Precious Child, Do you feel stuck, like you aren’t making any progress? Are you asking, “When are things going to change??!” Some days you feel on top of the world and full of faith, and then, you have one of “those days.” You know the ones I’m talking about, when you just want to
My Powerful Child, I’m not sure you are connecting with who you really are, or aware of how much power and authority I have given you in My Son Jesus. You see, Jesus became human to RESTORE YOU to My original intent and design for the human race. I know your dignity My child, I
My Innocent Child, I predestined you to be Mine and wrapped you up in Christ from the very beginning. Sound too good to be true? Go read My son Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. In it he explains the gospel from an eternal perspective. He had a revelation of how I associated you in my